Share Sheet UIActivityViewController within SwiftUI

Hoye Lam
2 min readJan 26, 2021



Available on my personal blog as well.

With Growrilla 1.5.0 released, users can now share their progress more easily.

Thus I also want to share how I did it.

First, we have the make the `UIActivityViewController` usable with SwiftUI. Thus we are going to wrap it around a `UIViewControllerRepresentable`.

struct ActivityViewController: UIViewControllerRepresentable {@Binding var activityItems: [Any]
var excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil

func makeUIViewController(context: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<ActivityViewController>) -> UIActivityViewController {
let controller = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: activityItems,
applicationActivities: nil)

controller.excludedActivityTypes = excludedActivityTypes

return controller
func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UIActivityViewController, context: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<ActivityViewController>) {}

Then we create a custom `ViewModifer` to more easily views more easily implement the sharing feature.

struct ShareSheetModifer: ViewModifier {
@State private var showShareSheet: Bool = false
@State var shareSheetItems: [Any] = []

func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.contextMenu {
Button(action: {
}) {
Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up")
.sheet(isPresented: $showShareSheet, content: {
ActivityViewController(activityItems: self.$shareSheetItems)

Within my example, I’m creating this sharing feature with a context menu, but you can easily change it to being a double tap for example with `onTapGesture`.

Then to use it, add the modifier to your SwiftUI Element like the following with the items that you want to share.

Text("Hello, world!")
.modifier(ShareSheetModifer(shareSheetItems: ["Hello, world!"]))

While this is already okay to use, I personally don’t like to write my modifiers in this way. Thus, you can use the following extension on View.

extension View {
func shareSheet(items: [Any], excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil) -> some View {
self.modifier(ShareSheetModifer(shareSheetItems: items))

Then you use it the following way:

Text("Hello, world!")
.shareSheet(items: ["Hello world!"])

If you want to exclude activity types like for example posting the items to Facebook, you use it the following way:

Text("Hello, world!")
.shareSheet(items: ["Hello world!"], excludedActivityTypes: [.postToFacebook])

Hope you enjoyed it!

For the full code snippet:



Hoye Lam
Hoye Lam

Written by Hoye Lam

iOS Developer at Somnox B.V. Netherlands, loves esports, portfolio

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